Saturday, September 10, 2011

Through the window

Outside that window it's getting cooler, below 80 at night, in the mid-90's during the day.

I am a fan of looking out of windows, some of my favorites are train, plane, boat and beach house windows.

Ah, the beach, sometimes the desert feels like an underwater landscape -the cactus are corals.

In a sailboat on rough sea, though, I would rather be at the tiller, splashed with sea and rain water. One time when I was little, we were caught on some rough water and I went down and hid in the bow of the boat, and was afraid of the sounds I heard. It was cold and windy and wet on deck, so not a bad idea at that time. Now, I want to know how to sail that boat, I want to know when to run with the wind and when to tack.

Friday, September 9, 2011

These are my people

I took this picture in an antique shop a few months ago, but it fits with today. Here are a few of the reasons why:

for some reason various people have been discussing past and future Halloween costumes,

my housemates' friend brought her dogs to play with their dog here at la casa de nosotros,

Shabbat dinner with my peeps makes me feel a little like that little dog,

and the best line from watching last night's outdoor movie in downtown Tucson, the original Grapes of Wrath in glorious black and white, is of course Mama's line "We are the people"...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Point of View

Sometimes you stand in one place, but the perspective changes. When I looked through this 'viewfinder' I could see houses on the hills that I had thought were barren. Earlier this weekend, I was surprised to find the Catalina's as green as Ireland (but with different foliage).

Over the past few weeks I feel my perspective shifting in every way, microscopic to telescopic, climbing on a cliff or hiking down a ravine, insider and outsider, anatomy and psychology, histology and patient interviews.

When you look at the stars you feel small and time is large, while studying ants and butterflies just makes our lives seem impossibly long and our bodies enormous. Medicine is both of those views at once...and I am also the stars and the ant and the butterfly.