Sunday, February 26, 2012

Free Range

Cycling on Arivaca Rd, a small town on the way to Nogales.  People here have horses, or goats or cows or dogs.  The road signs warn cyclists to slow down for the cattle guards, and tell everyone with a picture of a cow and the words 'free range' that you may be surprised at what wanders into the road around the next bend.  

I was reading an article in the New York Times this morning about how if you literally sit inside a boxed space versus sitting outside of that space you will be more creative (think outside the box), the same goes if you are allowed to gesture with both hands rather than just one when considering different viewpoints (on the other hand).   I have read similar studies done before about walking and talking/thinking versus sitting still...the obvious is true - when you move, your thoughts have free range.

I grew up in a small town and spent a lot of time barefoot and building forts and playing in the hills behind our house. Maybe the lack of a neighborhood, straight streets and playgrounds helps to explain why I never understood the term 'thinking inside the box'.  What box? I thought. How do people get into this box and what do they think about in there?  It is still a  mystery for me.  All I know for sure is after a day of class, I crave fresh air and space, and I study better with a good view of the mountains in the distance.

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